The Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment for Hip, Knee, Shoulder, and Other Joint Discomfort
You’re experiencing tenderness or pain in your knees or shoulders. You’ve gone to your primary care physician, and they’ve given you two basic options—medication or invasive surgery. You’ve thought about chiropractic treatment, but that’s really limited to neck, back, and hip pain, isn’t it? Absolutely not! There are many things a chiropractor can do to help you deal with joint pain.
What Are the Common Causes of Most Joint Pain?
Though joint pain frequently arises as a consequence of some type of accident, there are also illnesses and degenerative conditions that can cause physical suffering in your joints. You may have any one of the following conditions:
- Arthritis— You can develop arthritis in your joints for a variety of reasons—age, heredity, or even an infection can contribute to the inflammation and pain associated with arthritis.
- Bursitis— Your body has small sacs around most of your joints, called bursae, which can become inflamed.
- Gout— When the level of uric acid in your blood gets too high, you can experience stiffness, swelling, and pain in your joints.
- Tendonitis— This is an inflammation of the connective tissue around your joints, commonly caused by overuse or repetitive stress.
What Can a Chiropractor Do to Help You Deal With Joint Pain?
Chiropractors typically offer a wide range of treatment options to minimize discomfort in your joints:
- Spinal adjustments or manipulations— The source of joint pain can be the misalignment of your spine. A chiropractic adjustment can lessen pain by correctly realigning your spinal cord.
- Joint mobilization techniques— Often, the cause of joint pain is stiff or tight muscles. A chiropractor can help your muscles relax, reducing pain and inflammation.
- Massage therapy— Massage therapy can reduce tension and tightness while increasing blood flow to facilitate healing.
- Therapeutic exercise— A chiropractor can teach you targeted exercises to rebuild strength in the muscles that support your joints.
Contact Ideal Chiropractic Today to Move Toward Maximum Wellness
At Ideal Chiropractic, we understand the many concerns you have because of a back injury or degenerative back condition. We’ll carefully assess all your injuries and prescribe the appropriate treatment and medication to facilitate healing and manage discomfort. To schedule an appointment, contact us online or call our office at 972-252-PAIN (7246).