How Spinal Adjustments Can Help Alleviate Your Discomfort
When you have chronic pain, the type that affects your quality of life on a daily basis, there can be a tendency to want to do anything to get rid of the hurt. That may involve the use of pharmaceutical products, which can provide temporary relief, but typically only mask the pain. You may have medical professionals recommend surgical procedures, but they can create their own problems. With chiropractic care, you’ll get non-invasive treatment that gets to the source of your pain.
How Will a Chiropractor Help You Manage Chronic Pain?
Chiropractic care offers a number of treatment options to address your chronic pain at the source:
- Spinal manipulation or adjustments—Often, the source of chronic pain is a misalignment of your spine, causing impingement on nerves. With a spinal manipulation, a chiropractor will gently return your spinal cord to the proper alignment, eliminating any impingements.
- Joint mobilization—A chiropractor will take you through gentle, rhythmic exercises that help reduce tightness or stiffness and reestablish flexibility and range of motion
- Gentle massage—A chiropractor will often employ different massage techniques to alleviate muscle tension and improve circulation
- Physical therapy and rehabilitation—Many chiropractors, including Ideal Chiropractic, offer physical therapy and rehabilitation, with professionals helping you gently rebuild muscle strength, balance and flexibility.
Get Effective Chiropractic Care in Irving, Texas
At Ideal Chiropractic, we know from experience that chronic pain can affect every aspect of your life. We have considerable experience successfully treating people throughout the DFW Metroplex who have been experienced relentless or nagging pain, whether from an injury, an illness or a degenerative condition. We’ll carefully assess all your condition and prescribe the appropriate treatment and medication to facilitate your healing and manage your discomfort. To schedule an appointment, contact us online or call our office at 972-252-PAIN (7246) .